Advantages Of SMS Marketing Over Other Channels

By | 19th August 2020

Marketing via SMS might not be as glamorous as other marketing strategies. However, its use can produce the biggest benefits of them all. Every business should explore the possibility of using SMS campaigns to reach its customers because it has the potential to be a very effective tool.

The following list includes some of the main reasons for businesses to use text marketing on a regular basis. You can contact Textedly to learn more about SMS marketing and start your own campaign today.

Wide audience and online promotion

With almost every adult owning — at least — one smartphone, using text marketing allows businesses to reach almost every potential customer they may have. Besides, SMS marketing can enhance website traffic.

Businesses can add a link to their website at the end of a text campaign. This way, recipients of the campaign can engage with your brand and even make purchases.

The missing piece of a successful marketing strategy

Nowadays, most businesses opt to use email marketing as their only selling strategy. Nevertheless, email and text marketing together form a powerful selling force. For example, emails are an excellent way to provide people useful and extensive content related to the brand, which messages cannot, but emails are not usually answered with the same quickness as text messages.

Therefore, businesses can obtain the best results by making use of both approaches. The instant notification system of SMS marketing, with the technological capabilities of emails.

Reaching Internetless areas

As text messaging does not require having a Wi-Fi connection, it is more useful in certain cases. SMS marketing allows you to deliver your brand’s campaign in areas — or even countries — where there is no Internet access, and because most businesses don’t use text marketing, you could obtain many new customers.

Visibility and engagement

One of the biggest advantages of SMS marketing is its high engagement rates. The majority of smartphone users read text messages within the first three minutes of its delivery. Therefore, SMS marketing can be the most effective way to successfully inform your audience about important news.

Do You Want To Sell More With Just Sending Text Messages?

Textedly is the most knowledgeable company to provide your business with SMS marketing advice. You will be able to establish a direct communication line with your customers, and also be sure that your campaign will be safely delivered and quickly read by your audience.

Contact us so that you can boost your sales starting today!